Get to know author Joseph Letterio
The firstborn of seven, some of Joseph Letterio’s earliest memories include his parents bedtime reading of authors such as JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Beatrix Potter, and Hans Christian Andersen. He has enjoyed writing and wordsmithing since high school, and is a tireless learner of all things ranging from Human anthropology, philosophy, neuroscience, Space Age discoveries, to the emerging opportunities and challenges that come with ever advancing artificial intelligence.
A skiing accident that left him paralyzed at the age of 18 hasn’t kept him down. With the tremendous support of family and friends, he was able to complete his bachelor’s degree in business management and master’s degree in data analytics. He has worked in the field of education for a decade, connecting teachers and administrators with technology tools in the hope of making their precious time more efficient. An ENFJ personality type, Joseph Letterio’s passion is uplifting others and having a positive impact on as many people as possible. Through sharing his writing and developing a YouTube channel featuring read-alouds, he hopes to reach and touch the hearts of many.
Ramona: As an author your passion is uplifting others and having a positive impact on as many people as possible. How does it feel and is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Joseph Letterio: It feels good to care about others. The cliche is true that giving is more rewarding than receiving, and there is great need for filial love in this world. I believe that for any writer, the challenge is overcoming pride. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, including your writing, so it takes some humility and an embrace of vulnerability to expose and share the private feelings of your heart and mind with others. Some will probably find something to object with it, but it might just be the saving grace for someone else.
Ramona: ‘The Musings of a Wannabe Renaissance Man’ is your only published book. Tell us more about it
Joseph Letterio: My first published book is actually a collection of various writings that I’ve done since high school. Musings is a very handy word that broadly includes prose, poetry, essays, and fragments of stories. As of this interview I have sold approximately 300 copies and have 8 five-star reviews on Amazon, so some people at least are enjoying it.
Ramona: Besides your writings, along the years you have developed also a YouTube channel feature read-alouds. Can you tell us more about this channel?
Joseph Letterio: I have always enjoyed reading aloud. In the past year I have uploaded recordings of my reading the Silmarillion, Doulaire’s Greek Myths, and currently Don Quixote. I intend to do more works of classic literature. If anyone wants to listen to me read, the channel is Joseph Letterio.
Ramona: On a personal note, a skiing accident had left you paralyzed at the age of 18, and this hasn’t kept you down. Infact your hopes are to reach and touch the hearts of many. Can you explain further
Joseph Letterio: A spinal cord injury is life-changing. It might not be permanent, but so far it is. In a peculiar way I believe my paralysis has actually enabled me to more effectively and comfortably engage with others. Each and every one of us carries at least one primary ‘cross’ in this life, most of them invisible and carried alone. Mine is clearly visible, and that is the difference.
Ramona: How long on average does it take you to write a book?
Joseph Letterio: So far my average is 20 years, because I have only published one that is a collection of everything over that time. However, I am working on 4 others over the next 10 years so that average will hopefully get better!
Ramona: What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
Joseph Letterio: I am not the kind of person who can just decide that I’m going to write 300 words today or 1,000 words this week. There are moments that I cannot predict when I suddenly feel hit with inspiration to write, and when that happens my writing flows freely. In between, there might be gaps of months. It is especially easy for me to feel inspiration to write on a beautiful spring day, beneath a tree listening to singing birds and running water.
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