TwistTease: Maltese Iconography with a Twist by Artist Diane Buttigieg
Landscapes and Local themes….
Usually, if it starts this way I am more or less no longer interested in proceeding…
In this case though, I found something different in the way the Artist Diane Buttigieg gave significance to what has become ‘a too normal a subject’ amongst the local Art scene [since at least 10 to 15 years ago!]
The style depicted in TwistTease is just ‘simply different’ and on the opening night I noticed how often it was pointed out, and accentuated to be so by many of the viewers.
I pick one of the works and pop a Question to the Artist : ‘so here is a Chapel in the country side ; what else is it ?’. She almost seems to hesitate initially, but proceeds : ‘ you see normally the chapel would be the main object in such a work, but is it in this case ? No, the vegetation in front of it seems to be the dominant factor… ‘
Vegetation a protagonist above a holy place?
‘ yes, for me the vegetation personifies various people, and the chapel is not a particular one, and is in no particular place. It is just there. Humble and simple and one needs to go beyond the plants which would normally have been rather insignificant, in order to discover the meaning of the profoundness beyond ‘
The plants possess extraordinary colours. Ones they do not normally bear. A cactus is red for instance, where normally it would have been decidedly green. It wants to be seen. It’s ego wants to dominate. Here lies the meaning :
Can you walk through this unusually curly and twirly iconographic journey of intricate lines and simultaneously bright colours in stillness?
As you do so, can you go beyond your own ego and that of others, and enter the realm within?
Visit the Exhibition at Café Juliani in Hotel Juliani's Lobby, Spinola Bay, St.Julians. On show till the end of January 2014.
Contact Joseph S. Gauci for more info regarding the collection [email protected], or (+356) 9942 4020.
Ikonografijja Maltija, b’xejra mhix tas-soltu mill-Artista Diane Buttigieg
Pjanuri u temi lokali.
Is-soltu, meta`fir-rigward tal-materia ta’ l-Arti xi diskors jibda b’dan il-mod, jonqosli mmedjatament l-interess biex inkompli niskopri aktar.
F’dan il-kaz pero` sibt illi l-Artista Diane Buttigieg tat sinifikat ulterjuri ghal suggett li kien sar ‘wiehed bil-wisq komuni’ fix-xena lokali artistika.
L-ghamla ta’ l-istil f’din il-wirja huwa ‘sempliciment, differenti’ u waqt il-ftuh innutajt kemm il-darba xi wiehed jew wahda mill-udjenza prezenti, ikkummentat b’enfazi dwar dan il-fatt.
Ghall-mument tfajt l-attenzjoni tieghi fuq wahda mill-opri, u pproponejt mistoqsijja lil Artista : ‘hawn tidher kappella fil-kampanja; ghajr dak li hu evidenti x’hemm x’aktar li wiehed jista’ jara jew jiskopri ?’
Fil-bidu dehret donna ser toqghod lura milli taqsam dak li verament kellha f’mohhha, izda wara ftit kompliet : ‘normalment post bhal kappella, jigifieri wiehed sagru, jiehu prominenza, izda f’dan il-kaz?? Le, f’dan il-kaz hija l-vegetazzjoni naturali stess li qeghda tiddomina.’
Pjanti li jsiru protagonisti fuq post imqaddes !!
‘Iva ghalijja, hawn, il-pjanti jirraprezentaw in-nies, u filwaqt li l-kappella ma hijiex wahda li tinsab f’xi lokalita partikolari u ma hijiex fizikament qeghda tispikka, fis-semplicita u l-umilta’ taghha, hija ghandha sinifikat profond fejn wiehed irid jara lil hinn mill-pjanti biex jaghraf it-tifsira li tinsab fil-kappella stess!’
Il-pjanti jispikkaw b’kuluri li jaghmmxu l-ghajnejn. Lwien li s-soltu ma dan kollu huma ma jipposedux. Hemm Kaktus ahmar nir per ezempju fejn normalment u decizament huwa jkun ahdar. L-importanza tieghu nnifsu tispikka : Jrid ikun hu l-aktar li jidher. U ghalhekk hawn hu l-qofol tat-taghlima wara t-tpingijja :
Tahseb li tista` taghmel il-vjagg tul din il-gabra artistika ikonografika, ta’ forom mdawwra u linji delikati, imzewwqa b’kuluri kwazi kwazi jridu jtiru u daqsxejn tosti, filwaqt li tibqa’ migbur fik innifsek?
Tista` tmur lil hinn minnhekk innifsek u tidhol fil-misteru li jezisti aktar fil-fond? Fond bhal dak ta dik il-kappella kwieta, li ghalkemm umli, fiha hemm is-sinifikat profond.
Wiehed jista`jzur il-wirja f’Café Juliani, fid-dahla tal-lukanda Juliani, il-Bajja ta’ Spinola, San Giljan. L-esibizzjoni hija miftuha sa l-ahhar ta Jannar 2014. Ghal aktar informazzjoni ikkuntattja lil Joseph S.Gauci fuq [email protected], jew (+356) 9942 4020.
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