New Single: “Battle of Wills” by Corinna
Maltese singer-songwriter and model Corinna, is one of Malta’s freshest faces in the local music industry. Having already three singles out, considering she began singing in her late teens, for Corinna this didn’t mean to stop here.
Her first song was “Someone New”, for which she had received positive feedback about this song and also many views on youtube. The song was also played in some of Paceville clubs, and also on various local radio stations. It was also on the top in the ‘Malta’s Bay Top 10’ charts for weeks. By means of this song, Corinna was also nominated to take part in the Bay Music awards. This was one of the best experiences she has ever had, as she had to perform in front of a large audience. Later, she released her second song “Safe”, also together with Dj Toby, which was also played on the local radio stations. Corinna had several gigs both in Malta and Gozo, in which she sang both of her songs.
Last August, she released her latest song which is called ‘Battle of Wills’. This song falls within the genre of dance music. This time she employed a different methodology as compared to the one used for the other previous two songs. She invented the melodic tune of the song and also prepared the lyrics beforehand. Once ready, she contacted a local DJ and after listening to the song he agreed to work on it.
The title ‘Battle of Wills’ explains what the song is about. It talks about a couple, who argue very often. This couple never finds any sort of compromise because they always fight for what they each want. Their relationship starts getting complicated. It is then that she decides to leave once and for all and make the best of her life whilst promising to cherish every second she would have without him.
The song is already being played on different local radio stations and is already in Bay Malta’s Top 10 charts.
Anyone can listen to the song by simply going on youtube and look for ‘Battle of Wills – Corinna’ or else directly by clicking
“I really appreciate the positive comments that I received and would like to thank all those who support me. At the moment I decided to keep concentrating on this scene of music. Although I like all different styles of music, I prefer mostly dance music”, stated Corinna in her comments for her latest release.
================================================================Single gdida minn Corinna:- “Battle of Wills”
Il-kantanta u mudella Maltija – Corinna, hija bla dubju ta’ xejn wahda mill-kantanti friski ghax-xena muzikali lokali. Ghalkemm dahlet ftit tard fix-xena tal-muzika, peress li ma bdietx minn ckunitha, Corinna diga ghandha tlett singles b’sahhithom wara isimha.
L-ewwel single taghha “Someone New” kienet success kbir ghaliha, b’hafna jsegwuha fuq youtube. L-istess kanzunetta kienet indaqqet f’uhud mill-aqwa clubs ta’ Paceville, kif ukoll fuq diversi radjijiet lokali. Ghal gimghat shah irnexxilha ukoll tikseb postha ma’ l-aqwa ghaxra fuq il-Malta’s Bay Top 10. Permezz ta’ din il-kanzunetta, Corinna kienet ukoll innominata biex tiehu sehem fil-Bay Music Awards. Filfatt din kienet opportunita ghaliha sabiex tkanta quddiem udjenza kbira.
Aktar tard, kienet harget it-tieni single taghha “Safe”. Din ukoll bhall-ewwel single taghha, kienet hargitha b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ Dj Toby. Kienet ukoll tindaqq fuq diversi stazzjonijiet tar-radju lokali.
Ricentament, f’Awwissu li ghadda, Corinna harget l-ahhar single taghha ‘Battle of Wills’. Din il-kanzunetta hija ukoll fuq stil ‘dance’. Din id-darba hadmet ma’ deejay lokali iehor, fejn spjegat l-istil, il-melodija tal-kanzunetta u anke preparat il-lirika minn qabel, biex id-deejay ikun jista jahdem fuq l-istil li xtaqet hi.
It-titlu ‘Battle of Wills’ jispjega wahdu t-tema ta’ l-istorja tal-kanzunetta. Filfatt il-kanzunetta titratta dwar koppja li kienu jiggieldu ta’ spiss. L-istess koppja qatt ma setghu jsibu kompromess bejniethom, ghaliex kienu ta’ spiss jiggieldu, tant li r-relazzjoni taghhom bdiet tigi kkumplikata. Ikun hawn li t-tfajla tiddeciedi li titlaq darba ghal dejjem, u tibda tghix hajja gdida minghajr l-mahbub taghha.
‘Battle of Wills’ bhalissa qed tindaqq fuq diversi stazzjonijiet tar-radju lokali u anke tinsab mal-Bay Malta’s Top 10 charts.
Dawk interessati li jisimghu l-kanzunetta jistghu jidhlu fuq youtube u jfixxuha taht ‘Battle of Wills – Corinna’ jew inkella direttament fuq
“Naprezza hafna l-kummenti pozittivi li qed nircievi fuqha, u anke nixtieq nirringrazzja lil dawk kollha li qed jissaportjawni. Fil-prezent iddecidejt li niffoka aktar fuq il-muzika. Ghalkemm inhobb kull stil ta’ muzika, nippreferi l-aktar il-muzika dance”, ikkumentat Corinna f’din l-istqarrija.
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