Maltese singer Brooke releases music video for “Fairytale” – Ramona Portelli Blog

Maltese singer Brooke releases music video for “Fairytale”

Maltese talented singer Brooke has just released her music video for her latest single “Fairytale”.  This single was the next natural step for London-based Brooke, who has been waving the Maltese flag in the UK and Italy where she had previously duetted with Sanremo Giovani winner Tony Maiello.  

“Fairytale” video was launched on Friday, 8th June 2012 in the evening.  In this latest single “Fairytale”, Brooke showcases her exceptional vocals and interpretation.  

The song was recorded and produced in LA, where Brooke was received with great enthusiasm and excitement.  Brooke did all the vocals in the song under the guidance of vocal producer Joshua Alamu.  The music video for fairytale was directed by Din Altit for Pandaworks.  The music video was filmed in Los Angeles primarily in the castle that was featured in Lady Gaga’s ‘Paparazzi’.  The video co-stars Brant Daugherty who plays “Noel Kahn” in the series ‘Pretty Little Liars.  Brant expressed that he was sure that Brooke will take the world by storm.  He enjoyed working with Brooke and expressed that he was looking forward to work again with the young singer.

“Fairytale” was written and produced by US based Howard Russell, who previously worked with Jay Z.  ‘Fairytale’ is a modern ballad.  It is Brooke’s fourth single release in Malta, with all previous singles reaching the no.1 spot on all local charts. 

Having so much potential and talent, Brooke is simultaneously working on an up-coming album and gigging an international roster of prestigious venues like the world famous Troubadour, Ronnie’s Scotts, Proud and Half Moon Putney promoting her music and living up to her expectations.

Fairytale is heavily played on Maltese radio stations and has already entered Malta’s Top Ten Singles.  At the moment, Brooke is in Malta together with her band to treat the Maltese public with her latest songs and her live setup. 

Visit Brooke’s website, like her on facebook Brookemusic or follow her on twitter (brookemusic) to find what this ambitious young Maltese artist is up to.

More information about Brooke on,, or

To check out Brooke’s official music video for “Fairytale” visit:-



Il-video muzikali gdid ta’ Brooke

Il-kantanta Maltija Brooke ghadha kif harget il-video muzikali ta’ l-ahhar single taghha “Fairytale”.  Din is-single hija l-aktar progett frisk li hadmet fuqu Brooke dan l-ahhar.  Brooke tghix gewwa Londra, u tqassam il-hin muzikali taghha tkanta Londra stess, kif ukoll l-Italja fejn dan l-ahhar kellha duet mar-rebbieh ta’ Sanremo Giovani – Tony Maiello u ma jonqosx ukoll f’Malta stess.

Brooke ilha minn ckunitha tkanta, tant li maz-zmien dejjem uriet interess u talent kbir fiha.  Maz-zmien beda jkollha diversi opportunitajiet ta’ kant, mhux biss lokalment, izda wkoll barra minn xtutna.  Tant riedet li tkompli tiehu l-kant bis-serjeta, li issa ilha tghix Londra ghal dawn l-ahhar tlett snin.  Hemmhekk qed issib hafna opportunitajiet u kuntatti diretti konnessi ma’ kant.

Il-karriera muzikali ta’ Brooke rat il-bidu taghha hekk kif meta kienet daqsxejn ta’ tifla, Brooke kienet tohlom u taspira li xi darba tkanta ma’ huha.  Dak iz-zmien huha kien jiehu sehem f’kompetizzjonijiet tal-kant, u Brooke kemm il-darba kienet xtaqet li tkun fuq il-palk mieghu imqar bhala backing vocal.  Finalment, omm Brooke rrealizzat bit-talent tal-kant li kellha u ghad ghandha Brooke, u bdiet tinkludiha fil-kanzunetti tieghu, sakemm fl-ahhar hargu duet flimkien.  Dan kien il-punt tat-tluq ghall-karriera brillanti li qed tikseb Brooke llum il-gurnata, kemm gewwa pajjizna u anke barra minn Malta.

Il-video muzikali ta’ “Fairytale” gie mniedi ftit jiem ilum propju nhar il-Gimgha filghaxija, 8 ta’ Gunju 2012.

“Fairytale” hija r-raba’ single li giet mahruga hawn Malta minn Brooke.  Is-singles li harget qabel kollha kisbu rizultati pozittivi tant li kollha rnexxilhom jitilghu fl-ewwel post ta’ kull chart lokali.

Din is-single giet irrekordjata u mahduma gewwa LA, fejn Brooke giet milqugha b’entuzjazmu kbir.  Id-direttur ta’ dan il-video muzikali ta’ din is-single huwa Din Altit ta’ Pandaworks.  L-istess video muzikali gie rrekordjat gewwa Los Angeles primarjament fl-istess kastell li kienet iffilmjat fih Lady Gaga bil-kanzunetta taghha ‘Paparazzi’.

F’dan il-video muzikali wiehed jista jsegwi lil Brant Daugherty li jilghab il-parti ta’ “Noel Kahn” fis-serje ‘Pretty Little Liars’.  Brant wera fiducja kbira fi Brooke, tant li mhux biss ha gost jahdem maghha, izda jixtieq li fil-futur jergghu jkollhom xi opportunitajiet ohra simili.

B’tant potenzjal u talenti fuqha, Brooke bhalissa tinsab ghaddejja bl-ahhar arrangamenti u hidma fuq l-album il-gdid taghha.  Hija tinsab ukoll ghaddejja tahdem fuq xi avvenimenti li bi hsiebha tibda taghmel dalwaqt, fosthom gewwa Troubadour, Ronnie’s Scotts, Proud u Half Moon Putney, fejn ser tkun qed tippromowtja l-muzika taghha.

“Fairytale” bhalissa qed tindaqq fuq diversi stazzjonijiet lokali, kif ukoll diga rnexxilha tidhol fil-Malta’s Top Ten Singles.  Brooke bhalissa tinsab f’Malta flimkien mal-band taghha sabiex tkanta waqt xi avvenimenti lokali quddiem il-poplu Malti.

Aktar informazzjoni dwar Brooke tista tinkiseb minn fuq il-website personali taghha jew tistghu ssibuha fuq il-facebook fuq Brookemusic, jew anke fuq twitter (brookemusic).

Wiehed jista wkoll izur,, jew

Sabiex wiehed jara u jgawdi l-video muzikali ufficcjali ta’ “Fairytale” tistghu tidhlu fuq:-

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