New Single by Christabelle:- SAY
Maltese singer Christabelle has just released her latest single:- ‘SAY’. This is her sixth single so far. ‘SAY’ was recorded in Washington D.C. USA.
Christabelle has been in the music scene from age four. By the age of 12 years, she has already participated and placed in numerous Maltese festivals and gone on to participate in international ones. She is also third time winner for Best Solo Artist Award at the Bay Music Awards.
“So far this is my latest greatest single. ‘SAY’ is a song which speaks about love, that only when you experience real love you know exactly how it feels. Even though love is a common theme when it comes to songs, I still love singing about it”, said Christabelle in her comments about her new single.
‘SAY’ is an urban song, but with a different style. It will soon be featured on several local radio stations. Written by Christopher Lawrence Carter (Millrace Music/ASCAP) and Christabelle Borg.
More information about Christabelle can be found on
Single gdida minn Christabelle:- SAY
Il-kantanta Maltija Christabelle ghadha kif nediet l-ahhar single gdida taghha bl-isem ‘SAY’. Din hija s-sitt single taghha s’issa. ‘SAY’ giet irrekordjata gewwa Washington D.C. USA.
Christabelle ilha fix-xena muzikali sa minn meta kellha erba’ snin. Sa meta kellha tnax-il sena, diga kienet bdiet tippartecipa u tmur tajjeb f’festival Maltin, li eventwalment wassluha sabiex tippartecipa f’ohrajn internazzjonali. Hija ukoll tlett darbiet rebbieha ghall-unur ghall-aqwa artista solo fil-Bay Music Awards.
“S’issa din hija l-aktar single favorita tieghi. Titkellem dwar l-imhabba, u li meta tesperjenzha verament tkun taf x’int thoss. B’hekk ghogobni nikteb dwar l-imhabba, ghalkemm huwa suggett komuni hafna”, ikkumentat Christabelle dwar l-istess single taghha.
‘SAY’ hija kanzunetta fuq stil urban, izda bi stil differenti minn tas-soltu. Dalwaqt ser tibda tinstema fuq diversi radjijiet lokali. Din is-single giet miktuba minn Christopher Lawrence Carter (Millrace Music/ASCAP) u Christabelle stess.
Aktar informazzjoni dwar Christabelle tista tinkiseb minn fuq is-sit elettroniku personali taghha
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