Thomas Hedley signed to an Italian record label – Ramona Portelli Blog

Thomas Hedley signed to an Italian record label

One of Malta most prominent and busy local artists – Thomas Hedley, has very recently been signed by Italian Recording and distributing label – Top Records, for the release of his single Back in time, which hit the airwaves in Malta last February and was an instant success. A music video was also released in May 2011, and this has made Hedley known to a very big audience in Europe, through Youtube, other music channels, and other Music TV stations. 

The Italian Record Label will be releasing a CD Compilation later this year, featuring its best artists, and Thomas will be one of them. Top records produces, promotes and releases artists and bands from all over Europe. The advertising of this CD will be done by Mondadori group in Milan, one of the leaders in this sector, and will be available in all major Music stores around Italy, as well as digitally on Itunes. 

Back in time was also finalist in the Song of the year 2011 Awards, a web competition with songwriters the world over, and very big prizes, and has also featured on Italian, Belgian, Swedish and Danish radio stations. Now Hedley is looking forward to 2012, and his plans include at least another single and music video, and who knows, maybe an album. 

Anyone can always watch and enjoy Hedley single Back in time on this link –


Il-kantant Malti Thomas Hedley jinghaqad ma’ dar tad-diski Taljana

Il-kantant popolari Malti Thomas Hedley, li tant tana diski tajbin ghal dawn l-ahhar hames snin, ghadu kif inghaqad ma ‘Top Records Italia’, dar tad-diski u tad-distribuzzjoni ewlenija fl-Italja, li ser johorgu ghall-bejgh is-single tieghu ‘Back in Time’, bhala parti minn CD Compilation li tinkludi artisti Pop-Rock, kemm Taljani kif ukoll barranin ohra. 

Kif hafna jafu, s-single u l-music video ‘Back in Time’ kellhom success kbir sahansitra barra minn xtutna, fejn kienet tindaqq spiss fuq radjijiet fl-Italja, Belgju, Isvezja u anki d-Danimarka.  Hedley spicca finalista fil-konkors pretiggjuz ‘Song of the year 2011’ Awards, fejn ikun hemm kompozituri u artisti mid-dinja kollha. 

Din il-compilation CD, li ser tinkludi d-diska ‘Back in Time’, ser tkun ghall-bejgh mill-hwienet tad-diski ewlenin fl-Italja, kif ukoll fuq l-internet permezz ta’ Itunes.  Il-promozzjoni taghha ser issir minn Mondadori Group Milan, li huma leaders f’dan il-qasam. 

Thomas Hedley ghandu vera ghaliex ikun kuntent bis-sena 2012, u diga qed jipprogramma s-sena 2012 b’aktar xoghol muzikali u vizwali, li zgur ser nisimghu bih fil-futur. 

Ghal dawk li jixtiequ jergghu jaraw il-music video ta ‘Back in Time’, jidhlu fuq is sit.

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