The Bible Paradox – Ramona Portelli Blog

Author Kevin Falzon has just published his second book – ‘The Bible Paradox’.  This book is a deep investigation of the Sacred Texts that covers 20 biblical books.  Viewed from theological, scientific, historical and military aspects, the author’s study brings to light what religion, tradition and legend have obscured for thousands of years.

“The Bible Paradox’ is a very controversial and a unique examination in the Maltese Islands”, said Falzon.  He added, “The aim of this book is to clarify religion to all those who still believe in miracles and god, who are ignorant, in fact, of the misinterpretation and the delusion of religion which seeks to promote the so-called Word of God”.  

Starting from the Book of Genesis, in his book, Kevin Falzon examines the origins of the earth, the mystery of the supposed Creator, studies the first humans and theorises about their controversial conception.

“I began my research in 2006.  Although I very much wished to visit Jerusalem and Egypt, unfortunately I could not because of various reasons.  Nevertheless, through the documents and books which I’ve bought and barrowed, I managed to obtain a piece of both Jerusalem and Egypt. Even though I was ready and determined to begin the research and writing of ‘The Bible Paradox’, I felt that this task would not be easy.  Considering how deep go the religious roots of the Maltese nation, I knew that to publish this book would be a daunting challenge”, said Kevin Falzon.

In all, it took Falzon four years of work to finish the whole job. Falzon comments, “To investigate the lives and deeds of characters who are six and even ten thousand years old is quite a challenge.  I embraced this challenge because I believe that the contemporary reader needs fresh and reliable material, no matter what the ancient scripture says. I don’t expect a person, no matter how pious, to believe every single word in the Bible. The Sacred scripture, like any other ancient texts, contain only hints of reality. It is from that little reality that Mythology and legend were born. In due course, that hint of reality became overwhelmed with what people believed, said and wrote. As a result, after thousands of years of brainwashing and misinterpretations, that little reality to us contemporaries has become almost impossible to detect and recognise. This is why Moses is still believed to have parted the Red Sea, because the actual truth was twisted and will never be recovered. If I am to give my personal opinion, which I assume comes closer to history than Biblical events ever will, I would say that Moses was a very normal human being who possessed no power to work miracles. Alongside Moses, I could place God himself who, like all Biblical characters, was idolised and made greater and mightier than who he truly was.”
‘The Bible Paradox’ is being sold in all local leading book stores for the price of 15 euros.  In all it has 336 pages, and the language used is all in English.  More information on


The Bible Paradox [Maltese Version]

Dan huwa t-tieni ktieb li ppubblika s’issa l-awtur zaghzugh Kevin Falzon.  ‘The Bible Paradox’ jitratta investigazzjoni qawwija dwar ghoxrin ktieb bibbliku tal-Bibbja Kattolika.  L-awtur jikteb dwar aspetti teologici, xjentifici, storici u anke minn aspetti militari. 

Bla dubju dan huwa ktieb kontroversjali hafna u uniku fil-gzejjer taghna li qatt gie ppublikat minn awtur Malti.  Il-ktieb jibda billi jaghti harsa lejn il-ktieb tal-Genesi, fejn l-awtur jezamina l-origini tad-dinja, l-misteru tal-Hallieq, kif ukoll jinvestiga l-origini ta’ l-ewwel bnedmin.  Fost ricerki ohra li nsegwu f’dan il-ktieb, Falzon jezamina diversi ricerki ohra bhall-hajja ta’ Mose’.

Bla dubju, ‘The Bible Paradox’ ser jiehu lill-qarrejja tieghu fuq vjagg kontroversjali ta’ ‘l fuq minn 4.5 miljuni ta’ snin.  Isegwi billi jaghti harsa lejn il-konnessjoni bejn l-allat u l-astronawti tal-qedem, id-dulluvju ta’ zmien Noe, ic-civilta ta’ Atlantis fil-wied tal-Mediterran, l-gganti bibblici, l-kampanji militari li kien jorganizza Mose, u aktar tard is-successur tieghu Joshua, sabiex hakem l-art imwieghda u-nazzjonijiet ta’ madwarna.  Jaghti harsa wkoll lejn il-kotba ta’ Samuel I u II, u hafna aktar sakemm lejn it-tmiem tieghu jwassalna lejn mod dettaljat hafna tat-twelid ta’ Kristu, l-hajja u l-vjaggi tieghu, u finalment il-krucifikazzjoni u l-komplot ta’ Pilatu. 

“Fl-2006 bdejt bir-ricerki tieghi.  Ghalkemm xtaqt hafna li nzur Gerusalem u l-Egittu, izda minhabba ragunijiet varji ma stajtx, id-dokumenti u l-kotba li xtrajt u li ssellift tawni stampa aktar cara dwar l-istorja ta’ dawn il-pajjizi.  Kont konvint li ma kienx ser ikun progett facli minhabba r-rabta religjuza li ghandhom il-gzejjer Maltin, izda bid-determinazzjoni li kelli, ma qtajtx qalbi u komplejt bix-xoghol ta’ ricerka u kitba.  Kien hemm min inkoraggini, filwaqt li ohrajn qataghuli qalbi”, ikkumenta l-awtur Kevin Falzon.

B’kollox il-process biex inkiteb u nhadem ‘The Bible Paradox’ dam erba’ snin.  Falzon jikkumenta li hija l-misinterpretazzjoni, l-inkorretezza, l-esagerazzjoni kbira tar-religjon u l-hruxija ta’ karattri maghzula minn Alla li hajruh jippubblika dan it-tieni ktieb tieghu, segwenti wara l-ewwel ktieb tieghu – ‘Seltemedas’.  L-ghan ta’dan l-istudju huwa wiehed koherenti mal-filosofija ta’ Kristu, li jikundanna il-krudilta u dak kollu li hu immorali”, sostna Kevin Falzon.
‘The Bible Paradox’ jista jinxtara mill-hwienet kollha lokali ewlenin tal-kotba ghall-prezz ta’ 15 il- ewro.  B’kollox fih 336 pagna u l-ktieb huwa kollu kemm hu ppubblikat bil-lingwa Ingliza.  Aktar informazzjoni tista tinkiseb minn fuq

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