SMS Minghand Gesu’ 2 U – Ramona Portelli Blog

SMS Minghand Gesu’ 2 U

After the success of SMS Minghand Gesu, the same company Face To Face Drama, this year is organizing SMS Minghand Gesu 2 U.

An original and modern production, SMS Minghand Gesu 2 U is a pageant with a modern meaning, as if Jesus was living in our time and using the same modern things that we use.

During this pageant we will see the modern message through rock music, classical, hip hop dancers, ballet and even breakdance.  Apart from this, the crucial message will be delivered verbally to the audience from the young actors taking part and will definitely reach everyone.

For all those attending, SMS Minghand Gesu 2 U will be a modern experience of the passion of our Lord Jesus.

The dates for this production are on Saturday 16th April and Sunday 17th April 2011 at 7pm, at the Theatre of St.Vincent de Paul Residence, Luqa.  Tickets are available for the price of 10euros by calling on 21480055, 79467258 or 79477258.

Taking part among othersIan – JAnvil, Sandra Davis, Kevin de Leonardo, Samuel Cassar, David Farrugia, Erick Grech, Phillip Mizzi, Malcom Ellul, Carmen Caruana, Magret Caruana, Marilena Gauci, Kurt Gatt and Anthony Busuttil.

Singers participating are Ian – JAnvil, Louis Andrew Cassar, Priscilla Psaila, Marilena Gauci, Rochelle Grech, Kurt Galea, Cherylis Camilleri and Joseph Buttigieg.  Also participating dancers Waterfall Dancers, Urban Echo Troupe and The Ballet School, and Priscilla’s choir – Listen to Our Voices.  There will also be a fire juggling show by Catch a Fire Malta and Alexander Zahra.

SMS Minghand Gesu’ 2 U is written and directed by Noel Zarb and produced by Face To Face Drama.  Composers of all lyrics in Maltese are Deo Grech and Mario Farrugia.


SMS Minghand Gesu’ 2 U [Maltese Version]

Face To Face Drama bi pjacir u wara s-success ta’ SMS Minghand Gesu’, din is-sena l-istess kumpanija ser itellgha SMS Minghand Gesu’ 2 U.

Produzzjoni originali u moderna, SMS Minghand Gesu’ 2 U hija pageant b’messagg modern, daqs li kieku Gesu’ gie jghix fi zmienna u kieku kien juza l-istess mezzi u modi moderni li nuzaw ahna stess.

Waqt din il-pageant ser naraw messagg modern permezz tal-kant b’muzika minn stil rock ghall-klassiku, kif ukoll zeffiena minn ballet sa hip-hop u sahansitra break-dance.  Mhux hekk biss, izda l-messagg krucjali ser jitwassal lill-udjenza minn fuq fomm l-atturi zghazagh li qed jiehdu sehem u li zgur ser jolqot il-gosti ta’ kullhadd.

SMS Minghand Gesu’ 2 U ser tkun esperjenza moderna tal-passjoni ta’ Sidna Gesu’, ghal dawk kollha li jattendu.

Id-dati li fiha ser tittellgha din il-produzzjoni huma nhar is-Sibt 16 April u l-Hadd 17 April 2011 fis-7pm, gewwa t-Teatru tar-Residenza San Vincenz de Paul, Hal Luqa.  Il-biljetti jistghu jinkisbu ghall-prezz ta’ 10 ewros billi ccemplu fuq 2148 0055, 7946 7258 jew 7947 7258.

Jiehdu sehem Ian – Janvil, Sandra Davis, Kevin de Leonardo, Samuel Cassar, David Farrugia, Erick Grech, Phillip Mizzi, Malcom Ellul, Carmen Caruana, Magret Caruana, Marilena Gauci, Kurt Gatt u Anthony Busuttil fost ohrajn.

Kantanti partecipanti huma Ian – Janvil, Louis Andrew Cassar, Priscilla Psaila, Marilena Gauci, Rochelle Grech, Kurt Galea, Cherylis Camilleri u Joseph Buttigieg.  Ser ikun hemm ukoll il-partecipazzjoni taz-zeffiena Waterfall Dancers, Urban Echo Troupe u The Ballet School, kif ukoll il-kor ta’ Priscilla – Listen to Our Voices.  Mhux hekk biss izda anke spettaklu minn fire jugglers minghand Catch a Fire Malta u Alexander Zahra.

SMS Minghand Gesu’ 2 U giet miktuba u ghandha d-direzzjoni ta’ Noel Zarb, filwaqt li l-produzzjoni hija ta’ Face To Face Drama.  Kompozituri tal-lirika kollha bil-Malti hija ta’ Deo Grech u Mario Farrugia.

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