Malta Women in Business Art Exhebition – Ramona Portelli Blog

Malta Women in Business Art Exhebition

Malta Women in Business Art Exhebition

Malta Women in Business is organising an art exhebition campaign in Mellieha.  Many local artists will be exhebiting their work.

Amongst these artists, Doriette Hannaford will be exhebiting and selling her unique works of art and all this for an honorable cause.  The hand-made soaps at this exhebition by Doriette are not common as they look much more like a crafty painting – large enough to hang.

During this exhibition all her artwork will be only for display.  Most importantly is that these pieces will only be made once and will not be re-produced, so each painting is a one unique item.  

The paintings will be for sale from facebook fan page – Body Gourmet Malta, and every now and then they will be adding a painting to their soaps collection. 

Soap for Hope – Buying a soap one will bring hope to a voluntary organization such as Inspire Foundation.

Date is 24 July 2011 
Time from 9am till 12pm
Venue at Mellieha – town square in the benched area on the side of the main church


Esebizzjoni minn Malta Women in Business 

Il-Malta Women in Business ser torganizza esebizzjoni ta’ l-arti gewwa l-Mellieha.  Diversi artisti lokali ser ikunu qed jesebixxu x-xogholijiet taghhom.

Fost dawn l-artisti, Doriette Hannaford ser tkun qed tesebixxi u anke tbiegh xi sapun naturali li normalment tohloq hi stess, kif ukoll xi pitturi tas-sapun stess.  L-arti ser tkun qed tinbiegh ghall-prezz ta’ 3.50 ewros fejn l-istess sapun ser ikunu jistghu jinxtraw minn fuq il-pagna ta’ fuq facebook – BodyGourmet Malta, u l-qliegh kollu ser imur ghall-Fondazzjoni Inspire.

Din ser tkun attivita ta’ tlett sieghat biss u nheggu lill-pubbliku sabiex jattendi u anke jixtri xi tifkira zghira u fl-istess waqt ikunu qed jghinu b’ghan nobbli.

Soap for Hope – Sapuna wahda tista taghmel differenza kbira lil din l-organizazzjoni volontarja bhal Inspire.

Data hija 24 Lulju 2011

Hine minn 9am sa 12pm

Post gewwa l-pjazza tal-Mellieha

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